
Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy

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By Joyce Shulman April 5, 2016
Gotta’ love a book that begins with “The Truth About Happiness” and seeks to disabuse us of the notion that happiness is just around the corner of the next promotion, new house, faster car or fabulous vacation.

Oodles of research offers compelling evidence that true happiness is not found in the moments of giddiness we feel when something awesome happens — even though those moments are great — but can be achieved through a series of small actions and adjusted outlooks.

Live Happy: Ten Practices for Choosing Joy reveals ten things you can do to raise your baseline happiness. Sure, some of them sound pretty amorphous — improve your attitude, find meaning — but author Deborah Heisz provides real life examples of people who have put those practices into practice. Along the way, she reminds you to “carve your own path to happiness,” “smile at strangers” and build your community.

Be warned: this book is not a panacea. There is no simple “do this, live happily ever after.” But you will come away with the message that your personal level of happiness is something you can influence and with specific tools you can put into practice.

Available on Amazon and elsewhere.