
First Candle Reminds Parents Safe Sleep Saves Lives

By Alison Wenger November 1, 2016
A new baby is a blessing to parents and from the moment they are born, we focus on keeping them safe and happy.
One of the greatest fears new parents have relates to safe sleep for their babies. This month, we’re introducing you to First Candle, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) through education and research.  
Unfortunately, SIDS is still the leading cause of death for babies one month to one year of age, as every day 10 babies pass away from SIDS and other sleep-related deaths. 
First Candle’s popular Back to Sleep campaign continues to underscore the only position that a baby should sleep is on its back. 
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Here are additional guidelines by the American Academy of Pediatrics for creating a safe sleep environment:
•Always place your baby on his or her back for every sleep time.
•Always use a firm sleep surface. Car seats and other sitting devices are not recommended for routine sleep.
•The baby should sleep in the same room as the parents, but not in the same bed (room-sharing without bed-sharing).
•Keep soft objects or loose bedding out of the crib. This includes pillows, blankets, and bumper pads.
•Wedges and positioners should not be used.
•Avoid covering the infant’s head or overheating.
•Do not use home monitors or commercial devices marketed to reduce the risk of SIDS.
•Infants should receive all recommended vaccinations.
•Supervised tummy time while awake is recommended daily to facilitate development and minimize the occurrence of positional plagiocephaly (flat heads).
In addition to its commitment to battling SIDS, First Candle also works to eliminate Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) and Stillbirth through education, advocacy, and research while providing compassionate support to bereaved families. For more information or to make a donation, please visit or call 443-640-1049.