
I Voted

By Eric Cohen November 1, 2016
I voted today. It was easy, I parked 40 feet from the door, walked right up to the desk and got my ballot and was out of there in three minutes. I live in a state where my vote won't matter. It's totally lopsided in New York. But I voted. I told my children where I was going and I did it. 

I voted because it's not just my right, but my obligation. It's my obligation to my children to demonstrate my participation in our civil society. It's my obligation to myself. How could I spend the next four years cheering or griping if I didn't vote? 

I voted because it's a privilege as much as a right. I'm privileged to live in this great Country. I'm embarrassed when I see our voting rate compared other nations. Just over half of our eligible population votes...but it sure seems like everyone has an opinion, why don't they vote? In Sweden, Turkey, South Korea and other nations voting rates are over 75%! We can do better. So I voted.

I am lucky to live in a place where it's easy to vote. But I firmly believe that even if I spent all day on a long line I would have voted. I believe the line would have made me even more determined. 

I voted for my kids, not just so they'd have the future I'd like them to. But so that they see it's important to make your voice heard. One day in the not so distant future, they'll be old enough to vote and I hope they'll be honored and proud to walk into that booth and make themselves heard. 

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