
Holiday Toy Preview

Game Time!

November 7, 2012
Kids whose families play games together after a family dinner are a million times less likely to do drugs or skip school. (We made that up, but there are real studies about the benefits of family time.) 

A couple of great games that help reading and math skills are Appletters and Pairs in Pears from Bananagrams. These games build spellings skills, problem solving, basic math, and improve critical thinking, and lower the risk your child will end up in rehab (not proven, but we think so). And don't forget the original Bananagrams, a classic for sure.


For a game your kids can play with their friends, try Barbecue Party from Asmodee. This game works hand-eye coordination as your child tries to remove items from the grill before it jumps and sends toys flying. Best for ages 4 to 6.


Another great family game with a hand eye coordination element is Suspend from Melissa & Doug. This game has won all kinds of awards so you know it’s fun. It’s sort of like arranging hangers in your closet and keeping it from all tumbling down. There’s a great video (what’s up with the dad always losing?) you can see below.