
GoPro Tips for Family Fun!

By Eric Cohen - Macaroni Dad November 4, 2014
I admit it, I've always wanted a GoPro. It just seemed a bit silly to try to capture my "extreme" adventures, as my extreme days are waaaay behind me.

But when GoPro gave me camera to try and told me to capture my dad experiences, instead of my (not so) extreme ones, it all made sense. Here are a few things I learned. 

Tip 1: Get the family in on the act. Let the kids (and dog) wear the camera. Let them capture you. Face it, capturing memories is about the shared experiences, and you are part of that. 

This was the first video I made. It's just me and my son playing catch with a football, but the perspective gives it a whole different feel. Take a look...

Tip 2: It's easier than you think. I'm no tech wiz, but I figured everything out, even getting my phone to control the camera (which is a must).

Tip 3: Take short clips. Don't just turn the GoPro on and leave it on. Sure you could and then edit it like crazy, but capturing 30 seconds at a time is plenty.

Tip 4: Don't obsess on the editing. Play with it, trim it down to under 3 minutes per video/event and you'll have videos people actually want to watch.

This video was a bit more involved. To say people loved the camera on the dog would be an understatement. Everyone commented and got quite a kick out of it. For this one, my kids were there, and then they helped edit it to look like this ...

So think outside of your phone when it comes to videos and you'll capture some great memories to share for a lifetime.