
Eco Me

Family Friendly Cleaning Products

By Eric Cohen June 5, 2012
A new family recently moved into our house. Dave, Suzy & Bill now live in the cabinet under our kitchen sink. No, it’s not some weird take on Harry Potter, Dave, Suzy & Bill are the names of Eco-Me cleaning products, products that are safe for kids and pets.

Clinically tested for safety and effectiveness, Eco-Me Family Cleaners prove that you don’t need chemicals, preservatives, synthetic fragrances or dyes to get your home clean. In side-by-side efficacy testing, Eco-Me is proven to clean equally or better than traditional toxic products and they reduce bacteria in 60 seconds, naturally deodorizing, degreasing, polishing and overall cleaning.

Eco-Me was created out of need and concern -- the need to remove dangerous chemicals from our homes and the environment, and the concern that toxins emitted from every day products is the cause of increased disease in our society. Founder and President Robin Kay Levine created Eco-Me in response to her sister being diagnosed with non-genetic cancer at age 35 and no family history of the disease.

From our Family to your Family, is their motto. Eco-Me cleaners proudly wear the names of our family & friends.  Meet Dave, he’s a father, a grandfather and one of their top cleaners -- safe, clean floors for healthy families. Suzy is a friend, an aunt and a mom -- her kitchen is spotless with streak-free pots and pans. Bill is a friend, brother and neighbor -- he’s the new Mr. Clean and handles all your general cleaning -- thanks Bill!

Going back to the basics with a modern twist is what Eco-Me is all about. Relying on food-grade natural ingredients (vinegar, baking soda, olive oil...) and pure plant essential oils, Eco-Me products are the safest cleaners on the market + they are made locally from our family to yours! Eco-Me products fully disclose all ingredients and INCI names on its labels. Their goal is to educate and empower customers to feel good about making healthy purchases. No need for a PhD in chemistry, Eco-Me uses the same basic ingredients you find right in your kitchen pantry.

Robin, believes that cleaning should not cause asthma, skin irritations, headaches or red itchy eyes; cleaning should not leave you wondering if your hot bath is contaminated; cleaning should not be poison in a bottle lurking behind a locked cabinet; and cleaning should leave your home healthy.

For those readers of a certain age, you may remember the old Saturday Night Live bit “It’s a Floor Wax – It’s a dessert topping!” Well in Eco-Me’s case that could be true as each product uses food grade ingredients (but don’t eat it). If you are like most parents and employ the 3-second rule in your house, doesn’t it make sense to know the cleaning products used on your floors aren’t toxic?

And Eco-Me has achieved Whole Foods Markets top-tier ranking; they disclose the ingredients on their labels; they use food & plant-base ingredients; and they package in recyclable plastics, non-BPA, PET #1.

We’ve been using their products for years and our house is as clean as ever, and we feel great about having less toxic cleaning products in our house. A note, Robin is the cousin of Joyce Shulman, one of the founders of Macaroni Kid and Eco-Me is a sponsor of Macaroni Kid.

Eco-Me products are available in thousands of stores across the Country, you can find one near you at their website, and you can also order their products online.