I don't know about you, but my days are nuts. I am everything from CEO to short-order cook. Too often, I get caught up in the details of the day and lose sight of the things that make each day worthwhile. I suspect you do too, as the plight of the over-committed mom remains an epidemic.
So, as I faced down a new year, vowing once again to do it better, I sought to identify the 10 things that moms should do every day. Here's my list.
1. Hug your children. At least until they are teenagers. Then shoot for once a week.
2. Pause whatever you are doing to smile when your kids walk through the door. That single, small act lets them know you are happy to see them.
3. Have one meal together as a family. It doesn't have to be dinner. Crazy after-school activities on Tuesdays? How 'bout family breakfast instead?
4. Wake up 15 minutes before your kids and use that time to drink your first cup of coffee in peace and get ready for the day.
5. Take five mindful breaths.
6. Eat your vegetables. Put them in a green smoothie for breakfast; toss them in a salad for lunch; stir-fry them for dinner.
7. Have a real conversation with your spouse or partner. Walk the dogs together, do the dishes together... it doesn't matter where or when, but find a few minutes to actually talk to each other.
8l Say something kind to someone. In person is best, but even Facebook will do in a pinch.
9. Laugh. If you get to 8:00 p.m. and realize that you haven't laughed all day, go find a funny video to watch.
10. Practice gratefulness. It works anytime -- I lie in bed for a few extra moments and identify one or two things I'm grateful for and one or two things I'm looking forward to for the day.
Yup, there are about a thousand other things we have to do every day, and it will not be possible to check every box every day. That's the point, really, because these are the things that are too easy to push to the bottom of the list.
I've printed this list out and placed it where I will see it each morning so that I remember the little things that will help to keep my family -- and myself -- on track.