
Bellybuds Review

Share music with your baby!

By Meaghan Guzman May 31, 2013
When I was pregnant with my first child, now two years old, I would rest regular headphones on my belly to share some in-utero brain-boosting tunes. I'd have to lie as still as possible so the headphones didn’t slip off my ever-expanding belly.

This proved impossible with baby number two: a pregnant woman chasing a toddler with headphones on her belly does not compute! So when I was asked to review Bellybuds, I was psyched. I love them! 

Bellybuds are specialized speakers that gently adhere to your belly and play music, voices and sounds for your baby to hear. You can walk and move around as you soothe your baby with soft sounds and music. It's safe and a wonderful way to bond with your little one!

I love sharing music with my baby in the womb, and I love having the ability to move around while doing so. Bellybuds are perfect for me!