Want to save money at the grocery store?
I can almost guarantee not one person living through these uncertain times says "no, thanks" to that!
So we asked Tonya Rapley, author of the blog My Fab Finance, for tips and tricks on how to save money at the grocery store. Tonya, herself a mom to a toddler, knows how quickly that grocery bill can add up when you have to buy things like infant formula (Tip: Buy Store Brand Infant Formula for big savings!)
"As a financial expert and someone who loves to save money, I can tell you there are a lot of safe and smart ways to save money on food," Tonya said during a live Facebook discussion with Macaroni Kid Publisher Gwendolyn Dattage.
Tonya offered six great ideas on how to bring that grocery budget down on everything from infant formula to vegetables — all while not sacrificing quality or quantity:
1. Buy in bulk
If you have space, buy in bulk — especially when there's a sale. That investment will save you money later!
2. Know the cost of convenience
It's convenient to purchase things like pre-cut meat and vegetables.
"But that's not always the most cost-effective," Tonya said. "You're paying for that convenience."
Instead, of buying chicken breasts or thighs, for instance, consider buying a whole chicken. You'll stretch your dollar further!
3. Meal plan
Plan meals each week based around coupons or what's on sale at your local store. That thoughtfulness will pay off in the checkout line.
4. Look up and down
The items at eye level on the store shelves are often the most expensive, Tonya noted. By looking up and down you'll find similar items, usually marked for less.
5. Eat more vegetables
Tonya has found that by preparing vegetarian meals once or twice a week, her family saves significantly at the store because fruits and vegetables are often cheaper than meat.
"You save money and you also introduce your children and your family to a variety of different tastes and vegetables," she said. Mom win!
6. Choose store-brand products
"Store Brand Infant Formula is the ultimate parenting-savings hack because they offer the same complete nutrition and meet the same FDA standards as the big-name brands, but cost close to 50 percent less in price, said Tonya, whose son is almost 2.
Name brand infant formula can be really expensive," Tonya said. "When we started supplementing with formula, I was shocked at how expensive it was."
So she was thrilled to find out parents could save as much as $900 a year by choosing Store Brand Infant Formula over name brand.
"You're not compromising. Store Brand Infant Formula provides the same complete nutrition and meets the same FDA standards as the name brand formulas," Tonya added. "It can really cut those costs and provide you with the same quality nutrition. Safe and smart."
Saving money without sacrificing quality for our babies? Now that sounds like a mom tip to remember!
Want to know more? Make sure not to miss:
Store Brand Infant Formula: Taking the Stress Off Moms Today