
Score! We've Got the Best Game You'll Play at Your Football Party

Nothing's better than the commercials ... so let's play Football Commercial Bingo!

By Kara Murphy February 8, 2022

Looking forward to the game this weekend? So are we! While we definitely have our favorite team we'll be rooting on (this author hails from Cincinnati, so ... WHO DEY!) we are also admittedly in it for the commercials. These are pretty much the only commercials we actually look forward to each year — and for good reason. The sponsors paid as much as $6.5 million for a spot during the game, so you know they will be (better be!) great. 

We are stepping up our commercial watching during this year's game with a Football Commercial Bingo game at our house — and we wanted to share it with you so you could have some commercial fun too!

Click here for your free Bingo cards!

It's easy to play — we've included eight randomized cards here for you to print out (for FREE!) to distribute among your guests. You can give each person their own, or let each family work together to fill out their Bingo card. 

While some of our boxes include details that are specific to 2022 (like movie star names) others are more ambiguous (like best odd couple). Get creative and be prepared to defend your answers if needed!

Provide a prize — perhaps first dibs on that seven-layer dip that's coming out of the oven and smells SO good? — or not. Just the boasting rights of winning 2022 Football Commercial Bingo should be prize enough.